Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat- What Parents Should Know Before Buying

Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat- What Parents Should Know Before Buying

Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat- What Parents Should Know Before Buying

Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat- What Parents Should Know Before Buying

Moving from the baby tub to the big tub means a whole new world for curious toddlers to explore. Many parents alike are concerned about keeping their curious little one with wobbly legs safe in the tub. We all know mixing water, suds, and young kiddos can be a combination of chaos!

When considering how to keep your child safe in the bathtub, parental supervision is #1, but a good toddler non-slip bath mat can go a long way for making bath time safer. As a leader in non-slip bath mats, Jessup Manufacturing is offering insight into what to consider when buying a bath mat and top bathtub safety measures to take.

How to Choose the Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat

Moving from a baby bath to a big family tub can seem intimidating (for the child and parent!). The space and amount of water are plenty for toddlers to explore and by adding a simple bath mat to the bottom of the tub you can ensure they have the most fun experience in doing so.

Top considerations before choosing a bath mat:


When it comes to the material you will want to get something non-toxic and that can resist mold and mildew. You’ll want to stay away from phthalates and BPA, so look for BPA-free and mats not made with phthalate (a plastic ingredient). Consider purchasing a non-slip bath mat that clearly states it is antimicrobial, as many that offer just drainage holes to prevent water from being trapped end up not being comfortable on their tiny feet bottoms.

Bath Tub Surface

Many mats only work well on smooth surfaces. You will want to pay attention to if your tub is textured or even reglazed to find the most suitable mat as some are designed to grip only certain surfaces. If your tub is high traffic (maybe everyone in the family uses it!), then make sure you choose a mat with a strong adhesive like acrylic for added longevity.


Mats come in all shapes and sizes. Measure your tub and account for the drainage. While some may tout cute designs, they don’t offer the necessary all-over tub protection a young one requires.


Consider the thickness and grade of the bath mat to make sure it’s comfortable for sitting and standing on. Something overly thick can actually create a tripped hazard. Thinner bath mats with a finer grade are preferred because they will be smoother on bare feet (and bottoms) and become seamless with the tub.  

3 Tips On Bathtub Safety

While bath mats can go a long way in keeping your child safe in the tub, also consider these tips for bathtub safety:

  • Supervision: Never leave your child unattended in the tub. Doorbells, calls, and conversations can wait. If you must leave, make sure you take your child out of the tub.
  • Temperature: Babies have even more delicate skin than adults and it can be harder for them to communicate if the water is too hot. Water should be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit point. Remember, even if it doesn’t feel hot to your hand it can still burn them.
  • Baby proofing: While a bath mat is a great start, you will also want to remove anything from the tub that the baby could pull down or get injured from. Consider adding a bumper to the spout as that is a common area kids bump their heads.

Shop Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mats

Jessup Manufacturing produces quality non-slip bath mats that meet compliance and exceed standards. Shop our entire line of non-slip bath mats here.


2021-06-22 10:05:50
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