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  1. 5 Sustainable Building Materials You Need to Know
    5 Sustainable Building Materials You Need to Know
    Sustainable goals include improving the way people live and build while creating a lower impact on the environment and the ability for future generations to meet their own needs in times to come. Sound too good to be true? If you are in the construction industry, you know it’s a very real thing called sustainable building. More than just a trend, the sustainable building offers environmental, economic, and social benefits making it something that will become an integral part of the industry as a whole. These factors help in governing the building design, quality of architecture, technologies and processes, working conditions, and serve as the basis for sustainable construction. The construction itself focuses on seven core principles throughout the building life-cycle which are protecting nature, reducing the consumption of resources, reusing resources, using recyclable resources, eliminating toxins, applying life-cycle costing, and an emphasis on quality. Some key best practices in green building have quickly taken over, as well as green materials that will help further define sustainable construction in the future.

    The Future Is Green

    Construction materials made from scratch not only require a lot of energy but can create waste in the process. In order to reduce this footprint, using low-impact green building materials that are sourced from renewable sources with the ability to be recycled when the building has reached its lifespan is so important. Often green building materials are either produced via an innovative process that lower harmful emissions into the atmosphere or sourced from sustainable forests.

    Here are five sustainable building materials to know:

    1. Photoluminescent Exit Signs

    Photoluminescent technology is currently one of the only non-electric, non-radioactive options on the market for approved emergency exit signs, making it a top choice for sustainable construction and buildings emergency exit signage. Options like Jessup’s UL924 listed PF100 photoluminescent exit sign and PM100 photoluminescent exit sign are not only easy to install and maintenance free, but they are recyclable and last up to 25 years without using any electricity. During a blackout or fire, the stored energy in the photoluminescent sign will make it immediately start to glow to allow people to be safely guided to the nearest exit. As with all of Jessup Manufacturing GloBrite® exit signs, the PM100 and PF100 are tested to glow a minimum of 90 minutes in a power outage or when the lights go out when fully charged. Photoluminescent emergency exit signs use phosphor as their main ingredient, which has properties to absorb, store, and then emit light at a later time when previously exposed to light. Photoluminescent exit signs act like a sponge by absorbing and holding light energy, and then will slowly release it when needed over an extended period of time. This allows photoluminescent exit signs to be an excellent green building material product that is hassle-free and safe.

    Other facts to know about photoluminescent exit signs:

    • Builders can earn points towards LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) — the most widely used green building rating system in the world, by choosing photoluminescent exit signs and exit path markings.
    • Numerous U.S. building codes already require photoluminescent exit markings and signage.
    • According to Energy Star, if your building replaced 100 LED exit signs with eco-friendly photoluminescent exit signs, you would be looking at an energy cost savings of over $450 a year.
    • When choosing a photoluminescent exit sign make sure it is UL 924 Emergency Lighting and Power Equipment listed by UL, meets NFPA Life Safety Code 101, OSHA requirements and International Building and Fire Code 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018

    2. Bamboo

    Bamboo has got to be one of the most well-known green building material products on the market and for good reason. With the species able to regenerate at an exponential rate (in some cases 3 feet in 24 hours) and the fact that it can take a beating without needing to be replaced very often, it makes for a viable flooring or cabinet choice in buildings and can also contribute towards the allocation of LEED points for builders. Bamboo also takes less energy to transport than other comparable durable materials on the market due to its lightweight nature. However, it has been known to swell and even crack if it absorbs water and should never be installed without treatment to resist insects and rot. The fact that bamboo offers greater compressive strength than brick or concrete, looks beautiful, and is a rapidly renewable material makes it an excellent choice for a sustainable building material.

    3. Cork

    Similar to bamboo, cork is another quickly growing resource that builders can take advantage of when it comes to various parts of their construction process. Being extremely flexible and resilient, it makes for great floor tiles. Cork’s natural ability to absorb noise and shock make it an excellent green choice for insulation and sub-flooring. Another interesting fact about cork is when left uncoated, it is naturally fire resistant and does not release any toxic gases if burned. Because cork is primarily found in the Mediterranean does mean that shipping fees can become considerable. Luckily, cork is lightweight— meaning it takes less energy to ship it, and often this can offset the shipping fees. Cork does not rot or absorb water like bamboo but will become brittle over time.

    4. Recycled metal

    What’s old is new again. By taking metals like steel and aluminum and properly and efficiently reusing or recycling them into new products, it lowers their embodied energy, thus making them more sustainable. A metal like steel is endlessly recyclable (in fact it is North America’s #1 recycled material), nontoxic to humans or the environment, and uses relatively low energy to produce initially. Thanks to advances in manufacturing technology, the energy to produce raw steel has dropped 60% since 1960. Metals like this offer a strong, long-lasting, water, and pest resistant product in your building process. This makes metal an excellent choice for structural supports, building facades, and roofing. Additionally, check out the ways manufacturers are making steel even more sustainable:
    • Reusing the by-product gases from the furnaces as they are a direct fuel substitute.
    • Recapturing and cleaning CO2 by-products to make carbonated drinks.
    • Using electric arc furnaces for steel production which utilize 100% scrap metal. This means less energy than producing new steel.

    5. Precast concrete slabs

    Concrete is a natural choice for sustainable home construction. Limestone, the most abundant mineral on earth, is the predominant raw material found in concrete. Precast concrete slabs are generally produced via eco-friendly manufacturing processes offsite and then shipped in whole sections to the construction site. The outer layers usually envelop a lightweight filler, like foam insulation, or can be made entirely of concrete but have large, hollow air spaces, like concrete blocks. Even though it is heavy, it requires very little processing and can be produced in the specific quantities needed for each project, making its embodied energy noteworthy. Precast concrete slabs’ sustainability factor is even higher than many traditional poured concrete options because the slabs often take much less energy to produce and assemble. Because they are in a controlled environment, precast concrete also has the ability to cure in a controlled environment. Concrete poured on site is prone to improper curing which can lead to cracks and structural faults within the concrete and in some cases the need to demolish the concrete and start the entire process over again. Precast concrete slabs hold up to all kinds of weather, so they are commonly used for walls, building facades, and even floors and flat roofs. Concrete is also extremely energy efficient, so homes and buildings built with them enjoy a significant cut to their heating and cooling bills, plus require small-capacity HVAC equipment. As a highly affordable building material, the ability to be recycled, and energy efficiencies precast concrete slabs are worth considering for your next building project. Thanks to the increasing demand for green developments, eco-friendly building materials are becoming the standard. From photoluminescent exit signs to reclaimed metal, using sustainable building materials allow you to build structures with a lower carbon footprint and improved energy efficiency, all while saving costs, increasing quality and improving efficiencies in the construction process. Actively work with your city and state to implement sustainable practices in building and as an organization seek LEED certification. Also, understand who you are working with when you buy your products. If the producer and fabricator don’t follow strict procedures regarding reuse, waste disposal, and other key operations, the above materials are moot- so vet your vendor and their sources carefully. The shift to sustainability won’t happen overnight, but through proper research, innovation, and participation from stakeholders, it will move forward to help future generations.
  2. Biggest Slip and Fall Stories in the News
    Biggest Slip and Fall Stories in the News
    Slip and fall lawsuits are unfortunately all too common throughout the United States. While some are scams, many of them are very real as slip and falls are the number one cause of accidental injury, resulting in 20.8 percent of all emergency room visits. We are looking at several top slip and fall lawsuits making headlines that have been ongoing for years and are still waiting on judgments. Which way do you think they’ll go? Could they have been prevented with different slip and fall precautionary measures put in place?

    Case 1: Woman Suing McDonald’s Over Slip and Fall

    A woman claims she was injured after she allegedly slipped and fell on wet floors at a McDonald's in O’Fallon, Illinois. She filed a complaint on May 13, alleging negligence. In the suit, it states that she was a guest at the McDonald's on April 7 when she was allegedly injured due to a dangerous condition that had been left to exist. She claims she slipped and fell on wet floors, causing her to suffer severe and permanent injuries. The plaintiff alleges the defendants failed to provide adequate warnings of the condition, failed to provide adequate and safe egress for guests on the property to maneuver and move about, and negligently permitted the presence of a condition causing unreasonable risk of harm. The plaintiff is seeking relief of more than $50,000. Our Restaurant Slip and Fall Prevention Tips: Nearly all restaurants have floor safety procedures in place, but whether they’re followed appropriately is another thing. Restaurants are commonly top offenders for slip and fall accidents so having your staff knowledgeable on the importance of these safety measures and trained on implementing them is important. Other best practices for preventing slip and fall accidents in restaurants include:
      • Slip-Resistant Flooring: With the floors of restaurants are constantly being hit with beverages, grease, or spilled food, the texture of your floors is very important. Having flooring that is slip-resistant will help with the daily hustle, including patrons and employees moving about.
    • Anti-Slip Film: Having an anti-slip film that is mop-friendly like our Safety Track 3500 Resilient Medium Grade anti-slip film is also helpful to have around beverage areas, sinks and in bathrooms to further help in preventing slip and fall accidents.
    • Use mats and rugs, but with caution: Mats and rugs are great to offer prevention, but if not properly maintained, they can actually be the cause of these accidents. Replace old and frayed rugs immediately, make sure they are not curling at the corners, and use a mat that either has a high-traction backing or put an anti-slip tape underneath it to prevent movement, such as those certified by the NFSI.

    Case 2: Slip and Fall Case Against Target Seeking $1.2 million Remanded Back to State Court

    On May 20, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania determined Target took too long to remove the plaintiff's slip-and-fall case to a federal court and granted her motion to remand it back to state court. The plaintiff sued Target in a Philadelphia County Court back in November 2018, saying she suffered injuries after she fell in a Target in 2017. She asked for more than $50,000, plus legal costs and delay damages. Target was served Dec. 24, 2018, and had until March 12 to respond. The plaintiff then followed up with a Case Management Conference memorandum that consisted of a demand for $1.2 million on March 4. On March 12, Target removed the case to federal court but filed the notice of removal after the allotted 30 days, causing the court to grant the plaintiff's motion. The plaintiff said she slipped on what she described as a “liquid” substance on the floor of a Target store and “suffered a cosmetic disfigurement and she may continue to suffer (the) same for an indefinite time in the future," according to the ruling.

    Our Retail Slip and Fall Prevention Tips: In retail stores, especially large ones like Target, it can be challenging to keep track of every nook and crannies in the store to make sure spills are promptly cleaned. It is important to make sure employees are doing rounds and alerting appropriate team members if liquids are spilled, so they can have signage put up immediately and take care of the potential hazard. Beyond that, additional products and practices that can help in preventing slip and fall accidents in retail include:

      • Keep your space clean. Cluttered floors, clothes off hangers, or boxes of unpacked merchandise on the floor are top offenders of trip and fall accidents in retail. Make sure employees keep areas tidy and at the end of their shift, organize the spaces for which they are responsible.
    • Proper products matter. Having the right products easily accessible plays a crucial role in preventing slip and fall accidents in retail stores. Providing wet floor signs, clean up supplies like paper towels and mops in a convenient location that all employees are aware of is important. Also, consider using a slip-resistant floor cleaner to further prevent any accidents from occurring.
    • If you have an uneven floor that changes in height, it is a good idea to use either a caution sign, caution tape or have railings in place. Always make sure to use a non-slip film in these areas because it is commonplace for a fall.

    Case 3: Vacationer Alleges Slip and Fall on Carnival Cruise Ship

    A vacationer alleges that he was injured aboard a Carnival cruise ship is suing the well-known cruise ship company. The plaintiff filed a complaint April 26 in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida against Carnival Corporation, alleging negligence. The plaintiff alleges on Feb. 26, 2018, he was caused to slip and fall shortly after boarding the Carnival Inspiration. The fall occurred, the suit says, when Barrios went to the wrong muster station, causing the Carnival employee to lead the plaintiff to the correct one. The plaintiff further alleges he was holding the arm of his travel companion who was being pulled by the Carnival employee and the plaintiff fell on the stairs, resulting in injuries to his spine and causing him to lose enjoyment of life. Carnival filed an answer to the plaintiff’s allegations of negligence, arguing that Barrios' action was precluded in the plaintiff’s ticket. The defendant also alleged that they were not responsible for the plaintiff’s injury. The court has agreed with the plaintiff and decided to strike affirmative defenses two and seven, as stated by Carnival. The court believes the defendant's second defense impermissibly seeks to preclude the plaintiff’s ability to bring forth a negligence claim, which the defendant is not allowed to do. The seventh defense seeks to shift the blame for the incident to a third party, which is not permitted under general maritime law. The plaintiff asked that the defendant’s second and seventh defenses be struck. U.S. District Judge Federico A. Moreno heard the case. Our Cruise Ship Slip and Fall Prevention Tips: Unfortunately, wet surfaces make up 55% of all slip, trips, and falls in the hospitality industry and when on a cruise ship, it’s going to be wet sometime, somewhere during your stay onboard. That is one reason why cruise ships have to take extra precautionary measures to keep both employees and patrons safe. We have compiled a list of the top areas slip and fall accidents commonly occur on the cruise ship and what can be done to prevent them and protect those aboard.
    • Heavy-duty grit tapes need to be used. Grit tapes can withstand the elements the ocean brings aboard and should be used throughout the ship deck, on ramps, within dining quarters, bathrooms, and stair treads.
    • Wear proper footwear. Employees should all be required to wear slip-resistant shoes, and guests should be strongly encouraged to do the same. Having that extra traction can make a big difference if you hit a wet spot while walking.
    • Make sure you have adequate lighting. Dimly lit spaces are just waiting for accidents. With many of the ship-goers unfamiliar with the boat, it is especially important for cruise ships to have adequate lighting, especially in hallways, ramps, and in stairwells.
    As a business owner, it is essential to take precautionary measures and train your staff to know the right steps to take if a person on your property says they had a slip and fall accident. With more than 8.7 million people injured from a slip, trip and fall incidents every year in the United States, the threat is a very real one that could occur in your building, especially if you don’t take proper measures to prevent them. Contact our team at Jessup to discuss how we can help you assess your building and help you with slip and fall prevention.
  3. What You Need to Know About Photoluminescent Emergency Signage for Passenger Rail Cars
    What You Need to Know About Photoluminescent Emergency Signage for Passenger Rail Cars
    The American Public Transit Association (APTA) is known as the leader in advancing public transportation and setting the standards in creating public transportation that is available, accessible, and safe for all Americans in communities across the country. APTA has specific safety standards when it comes to all areas of public transportation, including bus, paratransit, light rail, commuter rail, subways, waterborne passenger services, and high-speed rail. This week we are taking time to help you navigate the specific photoluminescent emergency signage safety requirements for passenger rail cars. Photoluminescent emergency signage is now a requirement in all passenger rail equipment. It is important to have the correct photoluminescent product in its correct placement because when a rail car loses its power, this emergency signage will be the visible light to guide those on the train to safety.

    F.A.Q. on Photoluminescent Materials Used For Emergency Signage:

    What is photoluminescent material? Phosphor is the main ingredient found in photoluminescent materials, including photoluminescent emergency signage. Phosphor can absorb, store, and emit light at a later time when it is exposed beforehand to light. APTA states that photoluminescent material (which they call PL throughout their readings) is material that has the property of emitting light that continues for a length of time after excitation by visible or invisible light has been removed (i.e., self-illuminating).
    What is high-performance photoluminescent (HPPL) material? Throughout APTA’s Passenger Rail Equipment Safety Standards when discussing photoluminescent safety signage, it references using high-performance photoluminescent material (HPPL). This is a photoluminescent material that is capable of emitting light at a very high rate and for an extended period of time. To meet HPPL standards, the material must have a minimum luminance value of 7.5 millicandelas per square meter (7.5 mcd/m2), for 1.5 hours after removal of the charging light source. Unless otherwise permitted in standard SS-PS-002-98, Rev. 3, the charging light source is specified as a fluorescent lamp with a color temperature of 4000-4500°K that provides an illuminance of no more than 1 fc on the test sample for a duration of no more than 1 hour. We know this may sound confusing. To make it simple, when looking for a photoluminescent material for your passenger rail emergency signage, be sure to check that the product meets their specific safety standards APTA SS-PS-002-98 (Rev.3) and APTA SS-PS-004-99 (Rev.2), like our Glo Brite® 7812 APTA compliant material. How can you ensure your HPPL system is getting adequately charged to perform when needed? To make sure your photoluminescent safety signage is ready to perform, your normal lighting system (i.e., light fixtures), needs to be located in the proximity of each HPPL component and oriented to ensure that the HPPL material is adequately exposed to charging light, according to APTA Safety Standards. These light fixtures located in the proximity of each HPPL system need to be specified so that their light-dispersion patterns provide the minimum illuminance levels at the surface of the component (check table located in section 2. 4.2 for details)

    Where should you apply photoluminescent emergency signage in passenger rail cars?

    APTA safety standards designate several areas that high-performance photoluminescent material should be used and how it should be applied. It is important to follow their requirements to ensure the safety of all employees and guests onboard. Location 1: Door Exit Handles, Latches or Operating Buttons All door exit handles, latches, or operating buttons should be marked with high-performance photoluminescent material using one of the following methods:
    • Outline stripping that is no less than 1 inch (2.54 cm) wide to the extent practicable around the perimeter of the opening device;
    • Area-wide pad that is applied to the door or door frame directly behind the handle or latch with no less than 16 square inches (103 cm2).
    Also, each door should be equipped with a separate manual override device for a power-operated door intended for emergency egress and should be marked with a sign/marking containing the words “Emergency Door Release,” “Manual Door Release,” or other similar wording. These signs or markings need to be placed at the manual door control or at an appropriate location in its immediate proximity. If it is not obvious where the manual release device is located relative to the door handle, latch or operating button, then a door emergency release locator sign needs to be posted. The manual door release locator sign(s) or marking(s) should consist of brief text, graphic arrow(s), or symbol(s) to direct passengers and crew members from the door control to the location of the manual door release. Location 2: Vestibule, End-Frame, and Side Doors Leading to the Exterior of the Car and Intended for Emergency Egress Passenger rail transit cars ordered on or after the adoption of these standards need to have HPPL material and follow these requirements:
    • Mark side door exit locations without independently powered emergency lighting.
    • Each side door opening intended for emergency egress leading to the exterior of the car shall be marked with a minimum of 144 square inches (929 cm2) of HPPL material placed no higher than 18 inches (45.7 cm) off the floor, with its lowest point no higher than 6 inches (15.2 cm) off the floor. This marking may be comprised of one or more panels placed either on the door and/or in its immediate vicinity. A door with two leaves that open for emergency egress is considered a single door opening. So, 144 square inches (930 cm2) of HPPL material is sufficient for that door opening.
    • To provide some illumination at the floor for passengers and crew members as they exit, to the extent practical, the material should not be placed on a door leaf/panel that is intended to open for emergency egress or on the part of a wall or partition that would be covered by a door leaf/panel in any position.
    • Signs and markings used to comply with the low-level egress path marking (LLEPM) requirements contained in the APTA Standard “Rail Transit Vehicle Low Level Exit Path Marking” may be counted toward this requirement to the extent that they meet the criteria noted above (e.g., HPPL door delineators required to meet the LLEPM requirements that are installed on the door 18 inches. off the floor would count as 36 square inches of the 144 square inches required).
    Location 3: Emergency Window Exits Ensure all emergency window exit markings are constructed of high-performance photoluminescent material.

    What should you look for when choosing a high-performance photoluminescent (HPPL) system?

    The manufacturer or supplier of the HPPL material should be able to provide independent laboratory certified test result reports showing that all tested samples of passive HPPL material, as used in the finished component configurations (including any cover or protective coating if used, but not including text or graphics), complies with the minimum luminance criterion of 7.5 mcd/m2 , after 1.5 hours, when tested according to the provisions of ASTM E-2073-07, “Standard Test Method for Photopic Luminance of Photoluminescent (Phosphorescent) Markings”, with the following three modifications:
    • Activation: The HPPL material shall be activated with a fluorescent lamp of 40 W or less and a color temperature of 4000-4500º K that that provides no more than 1 fc of illumination as measured on the material surface. The activation period shall be for no more than 1 hour.
    • Luminance: The photopic luminance of all specimens of the HPPL material shall be measured with a luminance meter as described in 5.2 (of ASTM E-2073), a minimum of 1.5 hours after activation has ceased.
    • Luminance in mcd/m2: The test report shall include a luminance measurement of 1.5 hours after activation has ceased.
    The manufacturer or supplier is required to have a minimum of one batch of material for signs and/or markings of a given type certified. Know that signs or markings of the same certified type of material can be sold to multiple customers, even with minor changes in text or typography. The color and contrast of your PL or HPPL material are also very important. APTA Safety Standards states that the lettering and pictogram(s) utilized on interior emergency exit signage or markings needs to be able to achieve a luminance contrast ratio of not less than 0.5, as measured by a color-corrected photometer. The document recommends that the color contrast choice for all new and replacement signage is red lettering/graphics on a light PL background, preferably with a matte finish, except for those instances in which bold contrast with the background on which the sign is placed would not be attainable. It states that having a contrasting border around the outer edge of the sign will also enhance visibility. The standard also notes that the more of the HPPL surface that is visible, the more conspicuous the resulting sign. It warns that graphics or heavy text covering the HPPL material will reduce the light output of the sign letters, and thus the conspicuity and legibility of the signs as well, even though the HPPL material passes the tests required. The Passenger Rail Equipment Safety Standards (PRESS) applies to all commuter rail programs, and you can read the entire PRESS program in detail here. Please contact us with any questions regarding photoluminescent safety signage for your passenger rail cars.
  4. Top 4 Places for Slip and Fall Accidents
    Top 4 Places for Slip and Fall Accidents
    Did you know that slip and falls are the number one cause of accidental injury, resulting in 20.8 percent of all emergency room visits? We are all accident prone, it's a fact of life. With slip and fall accidents bound to happen, all we can do is limit dangers and hazards around areas and learn how to protect ourselves in order to prevent these mishaps from occurring. Some places tend to be more notorious for slip and fall injuries, so we are taking a look at them on the blog today to see what can be done to prevent accidents before they occur and protect people who find themselves in these top places for slip and fall accidents.


    From small fishing boats to large cruise or naval ships, boating continually ranks as one of the top places to experience a slip and fall accident. Even the safest ships that follow all rules, regulations and technological innovations still have people experiencing slip and fall accidents while aboard. Why? Because when you combine sleek surfaces and the continuous wave motions, accidents are prone to occur. In fact, wet surfaces make up 55% of all slip, trips, and falls in the hospitality industry! By taking proper precautions, you can greatly decrease the risk that an accident will occur while onboard a boat.

    Tips to Prevent Boat Slip and Fall Accidents:

    • For indoor areas of the boat, utilize non-slip tape or a non-slip floor coating in the kitchen quarters where all food prep takes place. Jessup’s Flex Track offers a non-abrasive adhesive to prevent slip and falls and is still comfortable on bare feet.
    • For exterior parts of boats, consider a stronger grade of non-slip tape or adhesive such as the Safety Track® 3800 Series which can withstand saltwater and ultraviolet exposure.
    • Stairs need to have non-slip stair treads applied and handrails in place.
    • Specific areas of the boat that need non-slip tape include: ramps, stairs, baths, pools, and the boat deck.
    • Make sure proper signage is in place, including wet location exit signs for outdoor areas of the boat.
    • Make sure any rugs are secured to the floor to prevent tripping.
    • Check lighting in hallways and exterior to make sure areas are well lit.
    • Maintain a clean boat. Mop up wet areas and putting proper signage down immediately and remove clutter, cords or other potential tripping hazards.
    • Always wear shoes with friction while on a boat.
      The Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) states that at least 43% of reported maritime injuries are a result of slip and fall accidents. Many boating slip and fall accidents can be preventing by taking the time to implement proper safety measures, offering better training for employees, and improving equipment maintenance.


    Because of all the grease, oil, liquid and food in restaurants they are a common offender for slip and fall accidents. Most restaurants take some measures to prevent slip and fall accidents and have floor safety procedures in place, but whether employees are following them appropriately is another question. Here are common best practices when it comes to slip and fall safety prevention at restaurants.

    Tips to Prevent Restaurant Slip and Fall Accidents:

    • Install slip-resistant flooring. Because the floors of restaurants are being hit with all sorts of liquids, the texture of the floors is extremely important in not only the back kitchen, but the dining and bathroom areas. Choosing a flooring that is slip-resistant will help with the daily hustle, including patrons and employees moving about.
    • Install an anti-slip film that is mop friendly to high traffic areas. Using a product like our Safety Track® 3500 Resilientâ„¢ Medium Grade anti-slip film around beverage areas, sinks, bathrooms, or in front of the stove can be an extra inexpensive barrier to further prevent slip and fall accidents.
    • Consider adding stair treads and ramp tread. Many people are moving around restaurants quickly, so if your establishment has stairs, consider adding stair treads as an added layer of protection.
    • Use a NFSI certified floor cleaner to clean your floors. This will ensure they are not slippery, but still perfectly clean.


    OSHA continually puts fall violations within the construction industry as one of their top offenders. In fact, within the construction industry alone 991 workers lost their lives on the job in 2016. Having a fall prevention program in place and implementing a workplace slip and fall training can help give employers and employees the necessary training and tools needed to recognize, assess, and control potential slip, trip, or fall hazards. Consider these tips when working to prevent construction site slip and fall accidents.

    Tips to Prevent Construction Site Slip and Fall Accidents:

    • Put a clear statement or policy in place regarding the company’s strategy behind your slip and fall program. Help employees understand the purpose of the program and what is expected of the employer and employee, including their responsibilities in slip and fall prevention.
    • Training your employees is the greatest way for them to feel confident in their daily duties. A slip and fall training should be part of all employee onboarding and a continual slip and fall education should be held daily, quarterly, or yearly depending on the employees’ position. OSHA found that these types of training can reduce the risk of workplace injury and illness by up to 60%.
    • Know your workplace slip and fall risks and continually assess the area for changes.
    • Make sure you have the right equipment and products for slip and fall prevention. This will vary depending on your job, but common products used for slip and fall prevention within the construction industry includes:
      1. Correct footwear
      2. Handrails on stairs series greater than 3
      3. Caution signs for level changes
      4. Grit tape and grit treads in areas with liquid present or where heavy duty resistance is needed


    Swimming is the fourth most-popular sport in the United States according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Like any activity involving water, slip and fall accidents are bound to happen. In fact, over 39,500 people annually will seek hospital emergency room care for injuries involving below-ground pools and about 10,000 will need treatment for injuries related to above-ground pools according to the United States Consumer Product and Safety Commission. By limiting the dangers and hazards around pool areas, we can significantly work to prevent pool injuries from slips and falls. You can start by reviewing your pool and applying our tips to help prevent accidents from occurring.

    Tips to Prevent Pool Slip and Fall Accidents:

    • Start by checking the deck of the pool because it is the most common place for a slip and fall to occur. Often made of concrete, it can create a slip-n-slide effect if not monitored properly. Put proper safety signs in place and work to keep the pool deck dry. This can be easier said than done during busy times, but by making sure to review your horizontal depth markers on the pool deck it can help. They should be slip-resistant to be in accordance with the 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. Also, make sure the pool deck is slip-resistant at minimum within 4 feet of the pool according to 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.
    • Slide platforms and diving boards should have slip-resistant walking equipment. If steps are being used to access either of these, then the steps should be self-draining, with corrosion resistant stairs and ladders and slip-resistant stair treads.
      Steps and ladders should be continually reviewed to make sure they have a slip-proof surface that is working well.
    These are just a few places that commonly see slip and fall accidents. The quality of one’s life can be greatly impacted by taking a spill and falling in just the wrong way. By doing your part to work on fall prevention, it can mean the difference between life and death for yourself or someone else. By using our tips and working to put a program in place to plan to protect patrons and employees, you will be doing your part to prevent falls. A slip and fall safety program doesn’t have to be complex, but can make all the difference. By changing some daily habits, making some simple (usually inexpensive) changes, and continually assessing areas you can help to reduce slip and fall accidents. What other places do you commonly see slip and fall accidents occur? What additional tips would you offer up? If you have questions regarding non-slip adhesives, stair treads or other non-slip films contact our team of experts at Jessup Manufacturing to help walk you through the best options to fit your location.
  5. What is the Running Man Exit Sign and Where is It Used?
    What is the Running Man Exit Sign and Where is It Used?
    We're all aware of the classic American emergency exit sign. The one that has been around since 1911 and spells out the word "EXIT" in bright red lettering. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) went on to create criteria for emergency-exit signage, taking into consideration various contrast levels and evaluating different lettering sizes, eventually publishing the standards adopted by state and local governments across the states. We see these bright signs hovering over doors and corridors within America's buildings, directing us to safety. But what about the rest of the world? Internationally, many countries have adopted some version of the ISO standard, a symbol deemed the "Running Man exit sign". Should your building consider implementing the Running Man exit signs? First, a brief history of exit signs is needed in order to understand how they have evolved and where we are at today. In the United States, it all started in 1911. A huge fire in a downtown Manhattan garment factory killed 146 workers, which sparked NFPA to act on creating a way to get people out of buildings quicker. Thus, the American EXIT sign was born. Early exit signs were made of either metal and lit by a nearby incandescent light bulb or having a white glass cover with "EXIT" written in red, placed directly in front of a single-bulb light fixture. However, in the case of a fire, the power to these lights often failed or were barely visible, rendering them useless for their important job. This evolved to adding red-tinted globes in the emergency exit signs to allow for better visibility. Through the years better emergency EXIT signs have been developed and today we have several options on the market. These include the most popular photoluminescent emergency exit signs and LED emergency exit signs. Jessup Manufacturing's Glo Brite® emergency exit signs are engineered with photoluminescent material which allows them to absorb and store LED, fluorescent, metal halide or mercury vapor light. Photoluminescent exit signs require no electricity and no maintenance.

    But what about the green-lit pictogram Running Man exit sign?

    While the bright red EXIT signs were being implemented all over America, the little green lit Running Man exit sign was being developed by a Japanese pictogram designer named Yukio Oto in the late 1970's. He states that his goal in creating the sign was to communicate to people to "run slowly." The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) was ready to adopt a Soviet Union pictogram, but after hearing about the extensive testing Ota put this sign through, ISO decided to take it into consideration. Ota's sign eventually won out and was adopted for international use in 1985. Ota's design of the Running Man exit sign is argued to have a couple key advantages over the red EXIT signs:
    • It's green. Red is often the international color meaning danger or don't touch. Green, on the other hand, is a color of safety and means go all over the world.
    • It's a pictogram. It's a universal language with no barriers. Visitors speaking any language are able to understand what a person running through a door in a specific direction means.
    Agree or disagree with these statements, they stand at the center of the great emergency exit sign debate that has been brewing for 30+ years now. Throughout the world, exit signs follow ISO standards and use the green pictogram of a figure running and an arrow in the direction of the exit. These signs may also have words in the local language indicating an exit. For these reasons, many countries now use some version of this ISO standard created by Ota.

    Australia Makes the Switch to the Running Man Exit Sign

    After many European countries, Japan, and others moved away from the EXIT sign, Australia decided to follow suite in 2005. The National Construction Code (Building Code of Australia) shifted away from the word ˜EXIT" to the universal pictograph through the introduction of Australian Standard 2293, 'Emergency escape lighting and exit signs for buildings.' This update brought Australia into line with the international standards outlined in ISO3864-1.

    Canada Also Moves to the Running Man Exit Sign

    In 2010, Canada's National Building Code (NBC) made the change to the Running Man exit sign stating that red and white EXIT or UT” signs needed to be replaced by a sign of a white or green man running towards the emergency exit. The change is largely being driven by the country's changing demographics and reflects a desire to help those who don't speak English or French, according to Phil Rizcallah, director of the National Research Council's building regulations group. The Ontario government now requires every new building or major building renovation undertaken since Jan. 1, 2014 to include these new emergency exit signs. By implementing the green Running Man emergency exit sign, they believe it will be easier for those visiting or immigrants of the country to understand where to go in case of an emergency. They also include that the signs may also be photoluminescent, which allows them to give off their light without the need for electricity.

    Benefits of the Running Man Exit Sign

    We briefly mentioned earlier a few potential advantages of the Running Man exit sign. Advocates of the Running Man emergency exit signs debate those and other reasons why they are superior to regular EXIT signs.
    • No matter where it is installed, the Running Man exit sign can be configured to your emergency exit location. The sign can be purchased depicting a Running Man going left (←), right (→) or here (↓). And unlike conventional EXIT signs, the Running Man will never have arrows in two different directions, making it crystal clear on where the quickest path to exit is.
    • Green is a more sensible color then red when it comes to emergency exit signs. The NFPA does acknowledge this point and it is important to note they never mandated the EXIT signs be in red, simply that a contrast exists between the text and the background. Green is thought to mean go and safety, while many state that red indicates stop or harm.
    • It has been argued that the Running Man exit signs are more visible than regular EXIT signs due to the use of imagery and color.

    Should Your Building Use the Running Man Exit Sign?

    While the NFPA has no plans to substitute the classic American emergency EXIT sign anytime soon, you can't deny the Running Man's widespread appeal. Many large municipalities, as well as international companies within the United States, have begun to add the ISO Running Man exit signs to better communicate safe exits for international visitors in their buildings. NFPA states they have considered the change on several occasions and although they don't object to the Running Man emergency exit sign and the green color, they see no reason to make a mandated change. In fact, NFPA even includes Ota's ISO Running Man within the group of auxiliary symbols that their members may use and also allows the use of pictograms in tandem with the "EXIT" text, where local jurisdictions allow. However, NFPA says they have no current plans to eliminate the classic "EXIT" sign, which they state works perfectly fine stateside. Still, you will notice more green lit "EXIT" signs are popping up throughout the United States (although red is still the predominant color of choice). Even more, in 2006 New York City amended its fire code to mandate that high-rises include the ISO Running Man pictogram sign on fire doors on each floor. There is no denying that exit signs play an important role in keeping people across the world safe. Since the Running Man exit sign is not subject to any language barrier, this universal symbol is a smart choice when it comes to optimizing fire safety procedures within a building. As a leader in fire prevention, Jessup Manufacturing is proud to offer a wide range of emergency exit sign options for your facility, including various Running Man exit signs.      
  6. Why UL 924 Exit Signs are Critical in an Emergency
    Why UL 924 Exit Signs are Critical in an Emergency

    What is a UL 924 exit sign? Set apart from signs of lesser quality, a UL 924 sign is a sign that meets the essential safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratories for emergency lighting and power equipment safety. The standard for safe equipment of many types, Underwriters Laboratories (UL) performs testing on emergency lights and exits signs – including all-important emergency exit signs, which are essential in a crisis situation or in the event of an emergency evacuation. Dedicated to ensuring life-saving measures work when they’re most needed, UL delivers their certifications only to equipment that meets their criteria for visibility, functionality, and reliability. This is why, if you’re in need of an important sign such as an emergency exit only sign, you’ll want to ensure that your chosen sign is described as “UL Listed”. It may also be noted that the exit only sign you’re considering meets UL-924 standards. This isn’t simply a throwaway “extra feature” – it’s vital.  True UL emergency lights are up to (or even go beyond) Underwriter's Laboratories’ strict safety criteria. And UL’s standards are to be counted upon, as Underwriters Laboratories is considered North America’s most reliable not-for-profit testing and compliance agency.

    What kind of equipment is subject to UL 924 testing? The UL 924 label encompasses items that function using fewer than 600 volts. Exit signage is contained in this category, as well as equipment designed to provide emergency illumination and power if AC power fails. With fire safety in mind, UL performs flammability testing, certifying that parts do not melt, and making sure they won’t provide added fuel in the event of a fire, thus increasing safety risks instead of alleviating them. What kinds of qualities do UL 924 exit signs possess that make them so important in an emergency? Having gone through thorough testing, a certified UL 924 sign boasts a visibility rating of 100 feet minimum. This means that a UL 924-listed exit sign remains readable, even from 100 or more feet away, and even in completely dark conditions. If the sign is electrical, the inner battery backup system, designed to provide the power needed to light the sign if power is lost, also undergoes careful testing by UL. To qualify as meeting standards, these batteries are required to deliver a minimum of 1.5 hours of operating time in a power crisis.

    Keep in mind, while UL 924 exit signs are the best you can buy, it remains the owner’s responsibility to safeguard their own equipment, making sure all emergency gear gets appropriate maintenance and regular inspection. So be sure you understand what it takes to keep your UL 924 equipment working correctly. Moreover, if you’re looking to make the switch to a green exit sign, it’s good to know that glow-in-the-dark (also called photoluminescent) exit signs that are UL-924 listed are suitable for usage as an alternative to UL-listed an electrical emergency exit sign.


Are Glow in the Dark Signs a Good Investment?

Whether you are choosing emergency exit signs for a new building or remodeling an old one, you want to make sure you are making the best investment. A year or two down the road of installing them it’s not something you want to revisit because they don’t work properly, require lots of maintenance, or are costing you a ton of money every month to run.

Glow in the dark exit signs are one of the options available on the market today for builders and building owners to consider. But are they a good investment compared to other technologies like LED or tritium? We are offering several considerations when deciding if glow in the dark exit signs are a good investment and the right option for your building.

Comparing Glow in the Dark Exit Signs to Other Exit Sign Technologies

Glow in the dark exit signs are also referred to as self-luminous or photoluminescent exit signs. These signs use phosphor which absorbs light, stores it, and then emits that light at a later time (i.e. a power outage or fire emergency). How does this technology stack up to the other options on the market?

Total Cost Considerations

When it comes to looking at the total cost involved with various emergency exit signs, glow in the dark exit signs offer a lower total cost compared to the others.

Energy Star shares this information as it relates to glow in the dark exit signs compared to LED and incandescent.

  • If your building replaced 100 LED exit signs with glow in the dark exit signs you would be looking at an energy cost savings of a little over $450 a year.
  • By replacing 100 incandescent exit signs with the photoluminescent option it adds up to an estimated $2,739 a year in energy costs alone.

Beyond the energy savings, consider installation and maintenance costs. Installation of electric exit signs will require power supplies to be run, while the glow in the dark exit signs need to just be screwed into the wall or ceiling per NFPA and OSHA requirements. Testing for 500 electric signs can run between $10,000 and $20,000 per year. Batteries, bulbs, and labor costs can add up quickly. Glow in the dark exit signs requires no testing, no batteries or back-up generators, and only needing to be occasionally dusted off.

Eco-Friendly or Not?

Some technologies like tritium have given glow in the dark exit signs a bad rap. Photoluminescent glow in the dark exit signs is here to put a stop to that. By using a photoluminescent glow in the dark exit sign you are choosing the most eco-friendly exit sign on the market today.

For this reason, they are a great investment in sustainable building. Options like Jessup’s UL924 listed PF100 photoluminescent exit sign and PM100 photoluminescent exit sign are not only easy to install and maintenance-free, but they are recyclable and last up to 25 years without using any electricity.  Builders can earn LEED points for using them and lower the building’s carbon footprint.

Experts in Glow in the Dark Exit Signs

Jessup Manufacturing has long been a leader in photoluminescent emergency exit signs and egress markings. Contact our specialists today to learn more and see what options are available for your building.


2021-06-23 09:06:13

5 Tips for Beginning Skateboarders in 2021

Skateboarding can be both an exciting and nerve-wracking sport. Speed, flips, four wheels, and concrete are definitely a challenge to conquer. But like anything, with practice and the right equipment, you can start to board confidently.

With last year’s social distancing, more people were getting outside to try their hand at new sports and skateboarding topped the list. Skateboarding is a great sport because whether you are 8 or 38 you can get into it. As the Official Griptape Sponsor of USA Skateboarding, the team at Jessup Manufacturing has learned a lot about the sport through the decades and we are sharing our top 5 useful tips for skateboarding beginners.

Top 5 Beginner Skateboarding Tips

This sport often is done on your own, without coaches or classes to help you along. Luckily, following a few simple tricks and tips you can get started and on your way to enjoying the sport and having tons of fun.

  • Get the right starter skateboard

You don’t have to shell out a ton of money, but make sure you get the best board for your weight and height. Likely you’ll look to get a complete street skateboard (you can put together your board, but you might save that for once you get more involved in the sport).

Just make sure you choose a quality board. Preferably a deck made of hard rock maple, urethane wheels, and solid aluminum trucks.

  • Apply skateboard grip tape

Once you have your board in hand you’ll want to apply grip tape to the deck. Grip tape is essential for keeping your feet on the board and providing traction for tricks. As a new skateboarder looks for something that won’t tear up your shoes.

Our basic black grip tape has topped pro skaters lists for years and can be purchased here. We also outfit boards with graphic designs or clear grip tape to show off your unique style.

  • Wear protective gear

Even professional skateboarders wear protective gear. Skateboarding is a lot of fun, but expect to fall- especially when just starting out. Those falls will be a lot less painful if you are wearing a helmet, knee, and elbow pads so make sure you always wear them!

  • Practice falling techniques

Sounds strange, but falling certain ways will protect you from sprains and broken bones. Read up on the proper falling techniques and practice them just like you would anything else.

Always try to slow your speed and land in a soft spot like grass if possible. Concrete is unforgiving, hench why #3 is on our list.

  • Start with the basics

We know it’s tempting to want to start ollies and flips, but you need to start at the basics just like you would with any other sport. In skateboarding that means learning how to push, slow down/stop, turn, and do tic-tacs. 

These basics lay the foundation for future tricks and should be mastered before you attempt to move forward. And remember, if you aren’t falling you aren’t learning! Don’t get frustrated, just hop back on the board.

Skateboarding Experts

Jessup has made over 70 million feet of skateboarding grip tape, gripping over 25 million decks and counting. With over 35 years of experience making quality grip tape, contact us to discuss what grip tape is best for your deck.

2021-06-23 09:02:00

Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat- What Parents Should Know Before Buying

Moving from the baby tub to the big tub means a whole new world for curious toddlers to explore. Many parents alike are concerned about keeping their curious little one with wobbly legs safe in the tub. We all know mixing water, suds, and young kiddos can be a combination of chaos!

When considering how to keep your child safe in the bathtub, parental supervision is #1, but a good toddler non-slip bath mat can go a long way for making bath time safer. As a leader in non-slip bath mats, Jessup Manufacturing is offering insight into what to consider when buying a bath mat and top bathtub safety measures to take.

How to Choose the Best Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mat

Moving from a baby bath to a big family tub can seem intimidating (for the child and parent!). The space and amount of water are plenty for toddlers to explore and by adding a simple bath mat to the bottom of the tub you can ensure they have the most fun experience in doing so.

Top considerations before choosing a bath mat:


When it comes to the material you will want to get something non-toxic and that can resist mold and mildew. You’ll want to stay away from phthalates and BPA, so look for BPA-free and mats not made with phthalate (a plastic ingredient). Consider purchasing a non-slip bath mat that clearly states it is antimicrobial, as many that offer just drainage holes to prevent water from being trapped end up not being comfortable on their tiny feet bottoms.

Bath Tub Surface

Many mats only work well on smooth surfaces. You will want to pay attention to if your tub is textured or even reglazed to find the most suitable mat as some are designed to grip only certain surfaces. If your tub is high traffic (maybe everyone in the family uses it!), then make sure you choose a mat with a strong adhesive like acrylic for added longevity.


Mats come in all shapes and sizes. Measure your tub and account for the drainage. While some may tout cute designs, they don’t offer the necessary all-over tub protection a young one requires.


Consider the thickness and grade of the bath mat to make sure it’s comfortable for sitting and standing on. Something overly thick can actually create a tripped hazard. Thinner bath mats with a finer grade are preferred because they will be smoother on bare feet (and bottoms) and become seamless with the tub.  

3 Tips On Bathtub Safety

While bath mats can go a long way in keeping your child safe in the tub, also consider these tips for bathtub safety:

  • Supervision: Never leave your child unattended in the tub. Doorbells, calls, and conversations can wait. If you must leave, make sure you take your child out of the tub.
  • Temperature: Babies have even more delicate skin than adults and it can be harder for them to communicate if the water is too hot. Water should be around 100 degrees Fahrenheit point. Remember, even if it doesn’t feel hot to your hand it can still burn them.
  • Baby proofing: While a bath mat is a great start, you will also want to remove anything from the tub that the baby could pull down or get injured from. Consider adding a bumper to the spout as that is a common area kids bump their heads.

Shop Toddler Non-Slip Bath Mats

Jessup Manufacturing produces quality non-slip bath mats that meet compliance and exceed standards. Shop our entire line of non-slip bath mats here.


2021-06-22 10:05:50

Are your emergency exit signs up to code? Here’s what you need to know.

Emergency exit signs and egress marking systems serve one of the most understated, but important purposes in your building. To keep anyone inside it safe during a fire or other power outage situation. From people who work inside the building daily to those who stepped foot in it for the first time, being able to exit quickly is critical.

That is why several organizations and your local jurisdictions have set forth emergency exit sign codes. Without being up to code your building can face severe fines and worse, could be harming those within it by not having an accurate and clear way to efficiently leave your building in case of an emergency. We understand that keeping track of the codes and specifications for emergency exit signs might be confusing.

This quick overview is meant to help you understand if your emergency exit signs are up to code.

Emergency Exit Sign Code Requirements to Know

This is by no means an exhaustive list of requirements, but some of the most important and commonly asked about.

Sign Illumination

Obviously, the exit sign needs to glow in the dark, but how bright does it need to be illuminated? The NFPA states that the exit sign must put out a least an average of 1-foot candle and never less than .1 foot candle. During a power outage, you need to make sure your exit signs can remain lit for a minimum of 90 minutes.

Exit Sign Lettering

Having an easily readable sign means having letters written large enough to be seen in some cases down the hallway. In Section of NFPA Life Code 101, it says that exit sign lettering needs to be no less than 6" tall. Be sure to check with your local jurisdiction on this one, because in areas like New York City they require an 8’’ minimum on letters.


When installing your emergency exit signs there are certain rules as to how high (or low) they need to be mounted.

For signs above the exit doors, NFPA states that the bottom of the new exit signs is located at a vertical distance not more than 6’ 8’’ (2030 mm) above the top edge of the egress opening intended for marking.

In some buildings, low-level exit signs are required. If you are mounting low-level exit signs, the International Code Council states that the bottom of low-level exit signs is no less than 10’’ (254mm) and no more than 12’’ (305mm) from the floor level. NFPA reports the bottom of the signs may be installed 6-18’’ above the floor level.

Exit Sign Certifications & Compliance

Building codes rely on the use of emergency exit signs that meet certain criteria. When choosing exit signs you will want to look for those that meet certain safety and performance standards. This means to look for emergency exit signs that are UL 924 listed, ADA compliant, and meets current NFPA Life Safety Code 101 and OSHA requirements.

Contact Emergency Exit Sign Experts

To help make sure your emergency exit signs in line with fire safety laws in your area you may want to consult with your local fire marshal. If you are looking for code-compliant emergency exit signs for your building or have questions on the different emergency exit signs on the market, please contact us.

2021-06-22 09:59:00

Can Non-slip Tape be Used Outside

When it comes to non-slip tape most applications shown are indoors. With the right adhesive used, the non-slip tape also offers excellent traction outdoors too.

So what are your options when looking for an outdoor non-slip tape?

Luckily there are plenty on the market! As experts in non-slip products, we are sharing several popular options you can choose from based on your outdoor requirements.

Outdoor Non-Slip Tape Options

Where do you need slip and fall protection outside? From outdoor stadiums, parking lots, brick stairs, and even boats you can find an outdoor non-slip tape to meet your needs.

Streets and Sidewalks

Using an outdoor non-slip tape on a street and sidewalk can really offer double- even triple-duty. First, you prevent slip and fall accidents. Second, you have the option to promote your business. Third, you can also offer reminders for social distancing- great for today’s times!

Streets and sidewalks require a specific non-slip adhesive that can stay put on bricks, concrete, or other outdoor surfaces. You want to look for something that is highly conformable to a variety of surfaces and also is certified to NFSI for anti-slip safety. Our Asphalt Art® is ideal for creating non-slip high impact graphics on streets, bricks, and sidewalks of any condition, while our SportsWalk® is excellent for applications on smooth concrete.

Boats and Pools

The statistics on slip and fall accidents on boats and around pools isn’t great. Any activity involving water is a likely culprit to create a slip. Luckily, by strategically placing the right types of non-slip tape you can help in creating a safer environment.

For boats, pools, and any area that is surrounded by water, you will need an extra-strength non-slip tape. Consider a stronger grade of non-slip tape or adhesive such as the Jessup Safety Track 3800 Series which can withstand saltwater and ultraviolet exposure. If you will be barefoot (like a pool or hot tub area), you might look into a product that will soft on bare feet but still strong enough to provide traction in water conditions. The Safety Track Resilient Medium – 3500 Series is popular for water skis, surfboards, jet boards, boat skis, swimming pools, pool accessories, diving boards.

Outdoor Stairs

Outdoor stairs can pose serious problems. Often times guests aren’t paying attention, things can be spilled, or weather can create extra slippery conditions. Whatever the case, having non-slip tape on your outdoor stairs should be a requirement.

For most outdoor stairs you will want to look for a grit non-slip tape specific for the conditions you have. Make sure the product is engineered to OSHA standards it being used in a workplace. If your stairs will be used at night or in the case of a power outage consider using photoluminescent non-slip egress tapes and treads which glow-in-the-dark.

Outdoor Non-Slip Tape Experts

Contact us to discuss your specific requirements for outdoor non-slip tape. Our team of experts will be to help you narrow down the options to choose the best product for your next project.

2021-06-16 07:25:07

Best Skateboard Grip Tape for 2021

New and seasoned skateboarders alike are always on the search for the best skateboard grip tape. That is because griptape allows skateboarders to not only stay safe without majorly slipping off their boards, but also allows them the traction needed in order to perform tricks.

There are several considerations you should take in when reviewing which is the best skateboard griptape for you. We are breaking down what to look for and what to stay away from when purchasing griptape.

What to Look For in a Quality Grip Tape

When it comes to grip tape you’ll want to make sure you review its grip, durability, value, and overall quality. Some grip tapes are going to be of stronger grit which can help with traction but can tear up shoes in a matter of days. Looking for something with a medium grit that sticks well and prevents air bubbles if your best bet.

Consider the two types of grip tapes when deciding which is best for you.

Standard Grip Tape

This is the most common option chosen by skateboarders. The grit level offered by these brands all differs slightly. Some will have higher grit-level which would give you more grip but also damage your shoes faster. For example, Jessup grip tape is said to have a lower grit-level than Mob Grip.

You’ll want to look for grip tape made with silicon-carbide instead of aluminum oxide. Silicon-carbide is what sandpaper is made from, although grip tapes have a much lower grit compared to a regular piece of sandpaper. Aluminum oxide, while less expensive, does not provide a durable long-lasting grip.

No matter what material you use, the process to make the grip tape is the same. The gritty surface is dried to the top of a film and a machine applies the adhesive to the bottom of the polyester film, which acts like an extremely sticky sticker (or glue) to the underside. That ensures when you apply the grip tape to your board, it sticks for a good long time.

Specialized Grip Tape

More companies are now coming out with specialized grip tape options. This can include clear grip tape for your skateboard. Jessup Manufacturing is a great example of a company offering clear grip tape. We realize many in the market love the grit and quality of our black grip tape, but are looking to show off their skate decks. Clear grip tape provides a great grip without damaging shoes, while allowing you to show off your unique deck.

You can also find specialized grip tape in various grit-levels. Depending on the type of skateboarding you are looking to do you might want a higher or lower grit. Know that with a higher grit you’ll likely be destroying your shoes very quickly. Most skateboarders find that a regular (medium) grit provides the perfect balance of foot hold and quick release- and without destroying your shoes in the process.

More specialized grip tapes include colored or cut out options. From unique designs and graphic work on grip tapes to cool shapes you can apply to your board, if you are looking for something unique you’ll want to consider a specialized grip tape. 

Griptape Experts

Jessup Manufacturing knows you need the best grip tape in order to be your best on the board. The best skateboard grip tape really comes down to personal preference, so you might end up trying a few out before you find your forever grip tape. As the Official Griptape Sponsor of USA Skateboarding (USAS), Jessup offers a wide variety of quality skateboard grip tapes for new and professional skateboarders alike. Shop our entire selection here.

2021-06-16 07:19:28

How to find the Best Non-slip Stair treads

Whether you are looking for stability or calling attention to steps, non slip stair treads are a great option. Providing an inexpensive way to create a safer home or business, non slip stair treads are versatile and easy to install.

With so many choices on the market it can be confusing finding the best option for your use. As a leader in anti-slip tapes and adhesives, Jessup Manufacturing is offering advice on what to look for and consider in order to find the best non-slip stair tread for you.

What Type of Grip Do you Need?

Not all non-slips are created equal when it comes to grip and it's not a bad thing.

In some cases, people are looking for comfort for their bare feet while still getting the grip they need, while in other scenarios military grade grip is required on the stairs of a naval ship or construction workzone. Depending what goes on where you are placing the non slip stair tread and what elements might be thrown into the mix will help you narrow down what type of grip you need.

3 Types of Non Slip Grip

Jessup Manufacturing broke down the types of non-slip stair treads into three categories. This makes it easier to find exactly the right type of product for your intended use.

High Grit

High grit is just what you’d think. This is a toughest, strongest grit option on the market. This isn’t going to be what you find on the shower floors of fitness centers, but instead being used in military, heavy duty, or commercial settings.

Non slip grit tape is the highest slip resistance. Depending on what product version you go with, this can be used both indoors or outdoors- making it preferred on boats and around pools. This grit tape can also be purchased as photoluminescent, meaning it can glow in the dark in emergency situations and make seeing stairs even easier in the dark.

Common applications for high grit include high traffic and extreme elements. It is meant to keep dangerous spaces and is a favorite in mining, refining, agriculture, manufacturing, and construction industries.

Resilient Grit

This group is commonly known and seen. Rubberized, textured PVC tapes and treads that offer excellent grip and traction support in a variety of uses. Oftentimes this grit is touted as being strong enough for work shoes, but comfortable on bare feet.

Resilient non slip tapes are used both residential and commercially. It is a popular choice for social distance marking tape on floors because it is certified “High Traction” by the National Floor Safety Institute and is also mop-friendly for easy cleaning.

Retailers, fitness centers, and nursing homes are common application locations for resilient grit non slip stair treads.

Vinyl Grit

Vinyl non slips are the preferred choice when bare feet are walking on them. If you are concerned the traction might not be sufficient, the coarse grade vinyl is an excellent choice because it provides great grip and comfort.

Jessup’s vinyl Flex Track® 4100 is continually a popular choice because it offers a strong grip and is long lasting. This product works great for hot tubs, showers, or steam rooms.

Shop our non-slip stair treads now.

2021-06-15 07:44:00

Before Installing Glow in the dark signs

Glow in the dark exit signs and egress systems are fast becoming a preferred option in fire safety for building owners. This technology uses phosphor offers the lowest maintenance option on the exit sign market today, as well as the most cost-effective.

Like anything, you need to do your research before making the purchase. Glow in the dark exit signs also referred to as photoluminescent exit signs, are generally an excellent option for building owners because of their multitude of benefits. Jessup Manufacturing, a leader in photoluminescent films and sheets, is offering some insight into how the technology works, what the real benefits include, and how to make sure the product you choose will meet building fire safety codes.

The Technology Behind Glow in the Dark Exit Signs

We will try not to get overly scientific here. The technology powering photoluminescent exit signs is actually pretty simple. They use something called long persistent phosphor (LPP) that acts like a sponge. LPP absorbs surrounding light energy and holds it in until it’s needed- usually in the case of a power outage or in the evening hours when lights are out. In many cases, LPP will release the illumination well over 18 hours.

This technology isn’t like other glow in the dark technologies of the past. Unlike tritium, it is safe for the environment and can be recycled when it needs to be replaced (which won’t be for a long time, the Jessup GloBrite line lasts up to 25 years!).

Eco-Friendly + Energy Savings

Glow in the dark exit signs and egress systems bring your building a double whammy of excellence. Offering massive energy savings compared to their incandescent and LED exit sign counterparts, these are the most eco-friendly option. Also, because they do not require battery backup you will eliminate the costs of testing.

If you are in the process of building new construction you can also add to the savings by choosing photoluminescent exit signs. Developers can save an average of $450 per sign location because they will be eliminating the infrastructure associated with electrical exit signs (think of all the wiring, junction boxes, circuit breakers, plus all the electrical labor savings!). Builders can also get points towards LEED certification. 

Glow in the Dark Exit Signs up to Code

When it comes to fire safety signage in your building you need to make sure it is up to code for numerous regulating authorities. NFPA, IBC, and OSHA are three of the top authorities, along with your state and local jurisdictions (always consult with your fire marshal when it comes to the most up to date information).

Photoluminescent exit signs need to be listed UL 924. This is non-negotiable in any city or state in the United States. Some additional important points include (this is not a complete listing) Other important points to note include:

  • Photoluminescent fire safety products have to “charge” appropriate levels of lighting. NFPA 101 specifies in the illumination needs to be a reliable light source, determined by the jurisdiction having authority, and the levels of illumination on the face of the photoluminescent sign need to be in accordance with its listing.
  • Photoluminescent fire safety products have to work for 90 minutes. Exit-sign illumination must be at least 90 minutes once power is lost. This 90-minute requirement also applies to egress markers according to the IBC (1025.4).

OSHA approves the use of photoluminscent exit signs and egress systems if they meet basic requirements. This includes the exit sign being illuminated to a surface value of at least five foot-candles (54 lux) by a reliable light source and distinctive in color. Self-luminous or electroluminescent signs that have a minimum luminance surface value of at least .06 foot-lamberts (0.21 cd/m2) are permitted. OSHA also requires that each exit sign must have the word "Exit" not less than six inches (15.2 cm) high, with the principal strokes of the letters in the word "Exit" not less than three-fourths of an inch (1.9 cm) wide.

Purchase Glow in the Dark Exit Signs From The Experts      

Jessup Manufacturing is committed to offering our customers the most innovative fire safety solutions. Our photoluminescent exit signs and fire safety egress systems are all UL-924 listed and manufactured to meet standards set forth by OSHA, NFPA 101, IBC, and others.

Shop Now.

2021-06-15 07:39:00

Best skateboard Grip tape for your style

Sleek, funky, basic, loud. What’s your style?

Grip tape comes in so many options these days it’s easy to make whatever statement you want.

Still, the grip tape function remains the same. The bottom of grip tapes still peel off and stick to the top of the deck. The sandpaper feel of the grip tape is made with a variety of materials.

The most common grip tape is still the tried and true black grip tape, but what is the best skateboard grip tape for your style?

Finding the Best Grip Tape For Your Style

The days of black colored grip tape are still plentiful, but you can really make your board your own personal art these days.

The market now boasts grip tape in a variety of colors, designs, and patterns. You can even mix and match grip tapes or spray paint your own design right on top of your grip tape.

One of our team favorites for showing your style is using a clear grip tape. Clear grip tape allows the board’s actual design to be the shining star. You can also decorate over it easily if you’re feeling extra artistic. Clear grip tape is the best way to showcase your style, especially if you have a great board design or flair for creativity.

Grip Tape That Stick & Won’t Shred Your Shoes

Depending on the material the grip tape is made out of, you may find yourself replacing your board shoes a lot more often. Certain grip tapes are more gritty and use materials that are harsher on your shoes. Finding a good combination of grittiness to do complex tricks, but still not overly tough where you have to replace your shoes weekly is important.

At Jessup, we use our  “SUPERTOUGH” Silicon Carbide Grip Formula that conforms to all deck concaves, is easy to trim out, and won’t tear like other tapes. Silicon carbide grit doesn’t wear out and won’t flake off as easily as other abrasives do. Because it is not as sharp you can also get longevity with your shoes. Paired with Jessup’s laminated and solvent-based pressure-sensitive adhesive layers, the grip tape creates a rock-solid bonding to all boards and environments.  

Be wary of companies that use aluminum oxide. While aluminum oxide is less expensive upfront, you will find costs quickly add up after the fact. You will need to replace your grip tape more often because it loses grip quickly.

Grip Tape Pricing

Skateboard grip tape isn’t terribly expensive, but it can range based on materials and styles. On average expect to spend anywhere between $4-20.

Pricing depends a lot on the grit of the tape. If you are looking to do complex tricks, you will want to invest in a higher grit tape to help you hold your footing. Grittier options come with a higher price tag, plus your shoes will likely shred quicker. If you opt for less grit, you can save your shoes but will probably need to be replacing the tape a bit more often.

You will need to decide what kind of tricks you intend to do and also how much your mind having to take off and replace the grip tape on your board.

Shop Grip Tape Styles

Jessup Manufacturing offers a wide variety of skateboard grip tapes. Find the best skateboard grip tape for your style and shop now!

2021-06-14 07:02:11

Grip Tapes For Boat Applications

Out on the open water calm water can quickly turn to rough waves. Slips and falls can happen fast, especially without the right grip tape.

As a boat owner you want something tailor-made to be used out on open waters to protect yourself and your occupants. You also want something that won’t quickly lift or degrade due to the constant water or salt content from open seas. Bottom line, you want to invest your money in a product that works with a long life span.

What to Look for in Grip Tape for Boats

For starters, you will want to look for something specific for marine or boat that can withstand water. Marine anti-slip tapes in particular are designed to adhere to irregular surfaces and stand up against even the toughest chemical spills (or salt water) areas. Other water-specific anti slip grip tape is ideal for water sports/bare feet. Deciding which is best for your boat t will ultimately depend on what type of boat you have, where you use it (lake or ocean), and what elements it will be exposed to (besides water- chemicals, etc.).

A grip tape that has larger particles will provide better traction prevention. With the potentially rough environment boats can bring about small particles that might not provide sufficient traction and also wear out faster. However, smaller particles can be gentler on bare feet. For water sports equipment, you might consider smaller particles for the comfort of bare feet while on the boat you might look for a large particle grit.

Additional characteristics to look for in a quality grip tape for boats include:

  • Durable, Long-Lasting Material (i.e.: edges won’t curl over)
  • Simple Installation Process
  • Able to Conform to Any Surface
  • Does Not Weaken in Extreme Conditions

Additionally, consider if it meets NAVSEA Requirements. Although this is only required in military applications, you can rest assured it is a quality product for your everyday boating with this label.

Jessup’s 3810 Safety Track Military Grade grip tape has an adhesive backside designed to provide dependable application and a large particle gritty, sandpaper-like surface to deliver further traction. The technology used to create the 3810 military grip tape ensures that the edges do not curl and the gritty top surface does not deteriorate.

Jessup also carries several resilient-vinyl medium grade water-resistant anti-slip tapes. These are ideal for bare feet on the water. Applications for resilient vinyl medium grade grip tape would include surfboards, wakeboards, or jet skis.

Where to Apply Grip Tape on Boats

The purpose of grip tape is to provide reliable traction for slick shoes, wet surfaces, or any other element that could cause a slip and fall. That means assess your boat for all of these potential areas and consider applying accordingly.

Common areas to apply grip tape to boats include the vessel, boarding area, and even your dock itself. You can apply marine grip tape on surfaces such as wood, painted metals, plastic, and even fiberglass.

Quality Grip Tape

Jessup’s has been a long time manufacturer of marine anti-slip tapes. With over 50 years of experience, our team of experts can help you find the most reliable and affordable option.

Shop Now.

2021-06-14 06:58:00

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